by Tom Ho | Jan 9, 2020 | Inspiration, Relationships
There is no question that love is powerful. It can make us do crazy, amazing, sometimes questionable things. One thing that love can be powerful for is healing. There are many types of love that can help us heal. What are those types of love? 1. Love through... by Tom Ho | Jan 2, 2020 | Inspiration, Wellness
Can you guess what one of the biggest types of rebellion is today? Self-love. In a world that constantly tells you that you need to improve or forces you to compare yourself to others, one of the biggest acts of rebellion you can do against it is to love yourself,... by Tom Ho | Dec 26, 2019 | Inspiration
New Year’s Resolutions can get a bad rap. With a new year around the corner we are often filled with idealistic hopes for our next year. We will finally do all the things we’ve been putting off. The trouble with these resolutions is the often can be... by Tom Ho | Dec 19, 2019 | Inspiration
The new year can often come with a lot of pressure. A lot of high stakes goals. You may feel like in order to accomplish these goals you have to be a totally different person. That is a lot of pressure for someone that has already been growing and changing their whole... by Tom Ho | Dec 12, 2019 | Inspiration
A new year and it seems that everyone has these lofty resolutions. Some are aggressive, like start a new business or lose 100 lbs. Others may include read more often, take a walk every day, and keep in better touch with my mother. However, for some the new year will...