
A new year and it seems that everyone has these lofty resolutions. Some are aggressive, like start a new business or lose 100 lbs. Others may include read more often, take a walk every day, and keep in better touch with my mother.

However, for some the new year will come along with many of its own challenges to tackle. Those challenges are enough to keep us busy enough without tacking on a million daunting resolutions.

Maybe you just lost a loved one.

Maybe you just welcomed a new baby into your home.

Maybe you just broke up with your significant other.

Maybe you just started a new job.

The list can go on and on. Sometimes, surviving is a monumental resolution in itself.

So how do we survive this year?

Give Yourself Grace

Realize that you and everything this year may not be perfect. And, that’s okay. Embrace the mess and the chaos that currently is your life. It is a phase. And some phases it is good enough just to survive.

Forgive yourself for a lack of perfection. Let go of your standards for what a perfect life should look like. Embrace this phase as one of personal growth. One that you will become stronger out of.

The world doesn’t need you to be perfect and neither do you.

Practice Self-Care

On top of grace, take care of yourself. Do one thing a day that makes you feel good. This could simply be listening to a favorite song or having a hot shower.

This year may be full of its own challenges. But you have faced challenges before and you are still standing.

Take care of yourself one day at a time.

Ask for Help

It may be surprising to hear, but people love to help. It could be a friend or a therapist, but people love to be needed and help out another human being.

If you are struggling, let another person help you. They may need to help as much as you need the help. Don’t be afraid or too proud to reach out.

Struggling with your day-to-day?  Learn how we can help.

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