
The new year can often come with a lot of pressure. A lot of high stakes goals. You may feel like in order to accomplish these goals you have to be a totally different person. That is a lot of pressure for someone that has already been growing and changing their whole life. 

There is no time stamp on self-improvement. There is no point of stopping and starting. Instead of trying to reinvent ourselves, what if we focus on loving ourselves more? You will find that creating a goal of self-care will, in turn, create the most amazing you you’ve seen yet.

Celebrate You

Starting a new year can often have us focusing on what went wrong the past year. Our weaknesses, our downfalls. 

But, you know what would be truly resolutionary? Truly revolutionary? 

Celebrating you.

There is no doubt that this year has had its ups and downs. But you are still here!!! You made it! You did it! You may not have accomplished everything you set out to do, but you did a lot.

Take 5 minutes and write down everything that you love about yourself.


Accept Yourself

Just because you didn’t achieve all of your goals this year, doesn’t mean you never will. Every new day is a chance to try again. The fact that you woke up this morning means that you have another chance to try. 

Accept what you did not do last year and what you did do. Look back on what held you back this year and what could help push you to reach those goals this year. 

Make Self-Care A Priority

You will find that the better you take care of yourself, mentally and physically, the more you have to give to your goals and to those around you. 

Make it a priority to do something for you every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a short walk after work or if it is taking that vacation you’ve been dreaming of. 

Focus on you, take care of you, and the rest will fall into place.


Bottom Line

You are enough.

Forgive yourself for your shortcomings and learn to love yourself again. And don’t forget to ask for help. Sometimes our goals are so big that we need a little help with them. Go for it! Ask and ye shall receive.


Need help learning to love yourself again?  Learn how we can help.

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