7 Things to Stop Doing for a Better 2020

7 Things to Stop Doing for a Better 2020

New year, a new list of things to stop doing! No list is not a list of stop eating junk food or to stop watching your favorite TV shows. But this is a list of things to stop doing so you can live a more present, fulfilling, and happy life.  What we would love is...
4 Types of Love to Help Us Heal

4 Types of Love to Help Us Heal

There is no question that love is powerful. It can make us do crazy, amazing, sometimes questionable things. One thing that love can be powerful for is healing. There are many types of love that can help us heal.  What are those types of love? 1. Love through...
Heal Yourself with Rebellious Self-Love

Heal Yourself with Rebellious Self-Love

Can you guess what one of the biggest types of rebellion is today? Self-love. In a world that constantly tells you that you need to improve or forces you to compare yourself to others, one of the biggest acts of rebellion you can do against it is to love yourself,...
3 Steps to Crush Your 2020 Goals

3 Steps to Crush Your 2020 Goals

New Year’s Resolutions can get a bad rap. With a new year around the corner we are often filled with idealistic hopes for our next year. We will finally do all the things we’ve been putting off. The trouble with these resolutions is the often can be...

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