What is talk therapy?

What is talk therapy?

About a year after my mother passed, I was noticing more and more how my father was self-destructing. He was not eating well, wasn’t working out, would avoid social gatherings, and would just hide from the world.  Having just been through therapy to address my...
How To Deal With A Pandemic That Won’t End

How To Deal With A Pandemic That Won’t End

Early March 2020. We all know where we then. At home. We all remember how we felt. Uneasy, nervous, even scared.  And here we are now. Still sending our kids to school with masks on. Will this pandemic ever end??? The truth is that pandemics always end.  If you want...
How To Deal With A Political Breakup

How To Deal With A Political Breakup

Family gatherings can be crazy. There are a lot of people and a lot of opinions. Usually, to keep the peace, while we wait for my Aunt June’s roast to be done and keep my mischievous niece Cindy from running away with the blueberry pie, we avoid topics like...

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