Summertime: 5 Tips for a Working Parent

Summertime: 5 Tips for a Working Parent

Being a working parent is a struggle of its own. You’re always balancing work, playing time with the kids, cooking, cleaning, shopping, your relationship with your spouse, and, maybe, some “you time.”  However, when summer comes around, that hustle...
The Joys of Fatherhood

The Joys of Fatherhood

Before becoming a parent, your time is your own. Sure you may go to a 9-5 or have a set workout schedule, but you created it. You control your time. It is yours.  However, once you become a dad, your kids will require much of your time. Those hours spent playing...
Domestic Abuse: What is it and what can you do?

Domestic Abuse: What is it and what can you do?

Domestic abuse. Let us breathe through the air as it just got a lot heavier in here. However, even though the topic is heavy and our breathing may have just gotten a little tighter, there are ways to clear that air so that we may breathe easy again. First, we are...
5 Myths About Generation Z

5 Myths About Generation Z

Generation Z is defined as those who were born between 1995 and 2015. They are 4 to 24 years old and make up roughly 25% of the population. For a generation that cannot remember a time without smartphones, there are many misconceptions out there about generation Z....

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