by Omar Aburizeck | Mar 15, 2024 | Anger
Today, we’re diving deep into a hot topic: anger. It’s a fiery emotion, but when managed well, it doesn’t have to burn bridges. Understanding Anger: First, let’s understand what anger really is. It’s a natural response to threats...
by Tom Ho | Sep 24, 2020 | Anger, Anxiety, Depression
Crying. Did you know that humans are the only animals to cry tears? Seems bizarre because I could swear I’ve seen at least one animal get teary-eyed. But it’s true. To add to it, some people never cry while others seem to be “overly” emotional...
by Tom Ho | Sep 10, 2020 | Anger, Anxiety
The more self-help articles you read, the more you will notice a common thread, breathing. Whether you are trying to calm yourself down or merely trying to relax, breathing is a technique that experts swear by. Some people even set aside time in their day where they...
by Tom Ho | Jul 23, 2020 | Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Grief
Coronavirus has affected every aspect of our lives, from our jobs to the food we put on the table. You’ve lost the normalities of your daily life and, therefore, the outlets that bring you joy and structure. The virus has changed the way you interact with people, feed...
by Tom Ho | Jul 16, 2020 | Anger
Anger during the teenage years is not completely unlike anger during the toddler years. There are a vast amount of changes going on in their body and their lives, of which they might not always fully understand or feel control over. Hormones are raging while they are...
by Tom Ho | Jul 9, 2020 | Anger
The toddler stage can be tough as it is. Toddlers have big emotions, little control, and have a tough time knowing how to deal with both. Therefore, tantrums are a common toddler reaction to their lack of communication and coping skills. Frustration quickly gives way...