Early March 2020. We all know where we then. At home. We all remember how we felt. Uneasy, nervous, even scared. 

And here we are now. Still sending our kids to school with masks on.

Will this pandemic ever end???

The truth is that pandemics always end. 

If you want to read more about how pandemics end, and how this one is most likely to, check out this article here

So what should we do in the meantime? When we don’t know when it will end? 


Here are the top 5 strategies to use to combat ongoing pandemic anxiety: 


We’ve all heard about social distancing. But what we all really need is media distancing. The media, especially news outlets, are driven by negativity. It’s what gets the most clicks. It’s what gets the most shares. Often the most anxious people are those that are overconsuming media. If you are bothered by media, limit it to maybe just once a day or a few times a week. If it is detrimental to your happiness, stop checking the news all together. Feel free to ask a friend to let you know if there is anything vital to hear. 



Sure, you can’t go to your favorite taco stand anymore. But what can you do? What did you enjoy doing as a child? Are there any instruments you haven’t played in a while? Find new ways to enjoy yourself and make memories during this pandemic. A lot of us are finding much joy by being in nature more. 



Yes, we’ve all heard of journaling and it sounds super lame. BUT it is one of the best bangs for your buck that you can get. Try to journal once in the morning and once in the evening. It can even be as simple as what’s something not so great that happened today, what is something great that happened, and what am I thankful for. 



You do not have to be as productive as Sally Johnson on Instagram or as clever with your kids activities as Joanne from your previous playgroup. We all process this experience differently. Be kind to yourself and do what you can. 



Therapy can be an amazing tool to help you cope with your own specific situation and challenges during COVID. Therapists are wonderful, objective friends to have during a crisis, or anytime really. I’ve talked to mine about Aaron from work stealing my yogurt. I’ve also talked to mine about my childhood and pandemic anxiety. 

Whatever you are feeling, they can help. 


We are all in this together.  Learn how we can help.

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