
Did you know that humans are the only animals to cry tears? Seems bizarre because I could swear I’ve seen at least one animal get teary-eyed. But it’s true.

To add to it, some people never cry while others seem to be “overly” emotional and cry quite a lot.

Why do we cry?

The short answer is as a way to release our emotions. When we are overwhelmed with emotions, to be more specific. These could be happy, sad, tired, overwhelmed, or empathetic. It is extremely healthy to cry. Crying allows us to do the following:

  • Soothe ourselves
  • Calm down
  • Relieve or emotional pain with the release of oxytocin and endorphins
  • To tell us to pay better attention to our needs

Why does it seem that we sometimes cry for “no reason”?

To tell us to pay better attention to our needs, what we are feeling. The overwhelm of the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives can leave us distracted and detached from our emotional needs. It can lead us to feel “emotional”. This merely means that we need to stop and assess our lives.

Is there something deeper we need to examine? To deal with?

Are we overwhelmed and need a break?

Are we communicating our needs to our loved ones?

Are we showing up in a way that is authentic to us?

Crying for “no reason” is merely a physical cue for us to pay better attention.

Are there different types of tears?

Three kinds, actually.

Basal tears: These are vital to lubricate our eyes and keep them clean and clear.

Reflex tears: These happen when we cut an onion or are irritated by our environment. These are tears that protect our eyes.

Emotional tears: These are emotional tears brought on by strong emotions. They help us to soothe, calm and cope.

What should I do if I feel like I’m crying “too much”?

The amount of crying that is “too much” differs from person to person. However, if it interferes with your daily life, it could be time to seek help and try some of the following techniques:

  • Breathe through it
  • Journal your thoughts throughout the day
  • Learn what triggers you
  • Take more time for self-care
  • Talk to a friend or family member
  • Express your feelings clearly to others

What if someone I love is crying “too much”?

  • Don’t diminish their feelings or try to put them in perspective
  • Acknowledge how they feel
  • Let them talk through how they are feeling
  • Repeat back to them what you understood they said
  • Ask non-judgmental questions
  • If appropriate, give them a hug
  • If they want to be alone, give them space but let them know you are there for them

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