As we head into the sixth month of Coronavirus, you may be feeling that extra tinge of stress and mental fatigue. With the loss of all normalcy and the recognition that this is our new normal, it can be very tough. We hoped the epidemic would be over by now, but it is still going strong. Mental exhaustion could very well be creeping in. 


So what can we do to stay strong?


1. Give yourself grace


It’s important that we give ourselves grace during this period. Even though we are quarantined at home, it does not mean that we are expected to be our most productive selves ever. After all, this is a global pandemic. Besides the stress of the illness itself, we are all trying to be students, teachers, cooks, parents, partners, friends, and everything else all at the same time. There is no more compartmentalizing so it all blends together. That means this is hard, for anyone. 


So hear that. You do not have to be your most perfect, productive, great self. You just have to show up every day and do what you can. That’s all. 


2. Find the silver lining


Start and end the day by finding something to be thankful for. Perhaps you could start with one of the following:


  • A warm bed
  • A roof over my head
  • Time with my family
  • My health
  • A good book
  • Knowing medical professionals are doing everything they can to keep us all safe


3. Turn off the phone and pick up a book


The phone can often be a source of unnecessary stress. Whether it is the news or comparing yourself to others, it’s can be more bad than good. 


So turn off the phone and pick up a good book. Whatever you like. It could be a thriller, mystery, self-help, or historical fiction. Pick something that will draw you in and take you to another imaginative place. 

A book is a great mindful distraction during this time.


No book? Try an audiobook or a podcast instead!


An extra tip? Go read outside in the early morning or during sunset, it’ll do wonders for your endorphins!


4. Get outside


Whether it’s going for a walk or just stepping outside so you can feel the sun in your face, getting outside is a great way to get back in touch with yourself and recenter.


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