There is one technique above all others that has helped me to cope, stay calm, and most of all, stay present during this pandemic. It helps to ground you into the present time and away from future fears and speculations. Not knowing what the future will hold can leave us feeling paralized, scared, anxious, and keep us from the contentment and sanity we all need right now.


We call this technique the 5-4-3-2-1. 


Here is how it works:



To start, look around where you are right now and say out loud five things that you can see. Perhaps you can see your dog, a tree outside, coffee on the table, a fan, or even your hands.


Next, close your eyes and say out loud four things you can hear. Maybe you can hear your refrigerator, your fan, your toddler, or a dog barking outside..


Now say outloud three things that you can feel. Perhaps it is the cold tile in your house under your feet, the wind of the fan on your face, or the softness of your shirt against your skin.


Next, two things that you can smell. It can be the soap on your skin and the lingering smell of breakfast.


The hardest one maybe. Say out loud one thing that you can taste. It could be the lingering taste of a drink or food.


Now you are completely in the present moment. Whenever you feel your thoughts getting out of control, try this technique and see if it can’t jolt you back to the present and leave you feeling a little more calm and sane.


We are all in this together.  Learn how we can help.

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