As humans we crave social interaction, stability, consistency, safety. During times of crisis such as these, whether it be internal or external (sometimes both) it is important to turn to habits and activities that make us feel whole, cared for, nurtured, and good.

So whether you are in quarantine for COVID-19 (thank you!) or you are having a rough patch watching the news or dealing with personal mountains to climb, pick one or a few of the options we’ve laid out below to regain your sanity.

1. Avoid excessive media 

This includes both news and social media. We are connected more than ever with the internet but that internet can also be filled with juxtaposing views and an overwhelm of information. Some news can be good but most news can be overwhelming in a negative way. 

Take a break from news and social media, only checking it for a couple minutes in the morning and a couple around dinner to ensure you don’t miss any vital information (social distancing, restaurant closures, etc.)

2. Meet your basic needs

Meeting your basic needs well will give you the foundation and feel of consistency we often crave in crazy times.

  • Maintain a solid sleep schedule: Set a schedule for when you will go to bed and when you will wake up. Stick to it. 
  • Eat regular, healthy meals: It may be quite tempting to eat all your candy in one day but you will most definitely feel awful afterward. Stick to regularly timed, healthy meals throughout the day.
  • Limit caffeine: If you need that morning cup of coffee to maintain your sanity, then go for it! But try not to go overboard. And if you find yourself this troubled with anxiety despite good habits you’ve put in place, it may be time to see if caffeine isn’t the culprit standing in your way.
  • Take mindfulness breaks: In isolation I’ve been meditating for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes before I go to bed. It helps to recenter myself, get my perspective right for the day and as the day closes.

3. Connect with the people you love

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, this does not include physically going to see them. However, you can set up a movie night, game night, karoake night, or just a time to chat over VIDEO! Whether it is FaceTime or through various apps like Houseparty.

4. Reach out for help

This could be in the form of video chats with people you love or through virtual therapy. This gives you an open area to discuss what is bothering you and gain some insight as well as some action steps to feel better.

Isolation can make us feel depressed and listless. However, there is always something to do or someone to connect with to bring us right side up again. #SeparateTogether

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