Therapy has a stigma that it is only for those who have a mental illness. However, therapy is really for everyone. It is great for those who have a mental illness and for those who do not. That’s the great thing about therapy, it is the universal helper. It’s like talking to your best friend but without the judgement and distractions.
Here’s just a short list of reasons why you should give therapy a try:
The World Seems Crazy
Watching the news and engaging in social media can often be a losing game. We feel overwhelmed, unsure, and we see more bad than we do good. The world can seem like it is going crazy. In the midst of that, we still want to be happy, find purpose, learn how we can help, or just retain our sanity. Therapy is a great tool for this to give us tips to deal with the media and the craziness we face in the world.
You Want to be a Better Spouse
Even in the most blissful of relationships, we all could be better. Therapy gives us the introspection along with the tools that can allow us to strengthen, deepen, and overall improve our relationship.
Identify Bad Patterns
Sometimes we are doing everything we can think of to reach our goals. However, for some reason we are not attaining them. Is there something holding us back?
As we divulge our lives openly in therapy, our therapist is able to see patterns that we cannot. Their objectivity allows them to do so. The deeper you get into therapy, the better you will also be at recognizing these patterns and creating new tendencies.

Have a Solid BFF
Your therapist is there for you. They are there to help you and be there by your side through it all. Therapy is the one place you can speak openly without the possibility of offending or hurting anyone. At therapy, you don’t have to worry about taking care of anyone else but yourself.
Get Better in Uncomfortable Conversations
When facing a new, difficult, or tender situation, it can be hard to know the right thing to say or how to approach it. Therapy gives you the tools and the confidence to face those uncomfortable conversations constructively and positively.
In addition, therapy can be uncomfortable. As you dig through the things in your life that distress you, you often are uncomfortable. Getting used to this type of discomfort can also prepare you for uncomfortable conversations outside of therapy as well.
Better Love Yourself
We are often our own worst critic. Therapy can give you the tools to improve how you see yourself, how you love yourself. Everyone can benefit from this.
The bottom line is, therapy is for everyone, everywhere, in any situation. Whether your problem is big or small, a therapist is there for you as you navigate through it. They provide you with the tools and the confidence to live your better life.
Interested in giving therapy a try?