We’ve all heard the phrase, “life is what you make it”. But what does that really mean? 

Maybe you’ve been working your butt off for years but still haven’t reached your full personal, financial, or career goals? Maybe they seem even farther away than when you started? 

So what is holding you back? 

Your mindset.

Today we are going to discuss 3 massive mindset shifts that you can work on adopting today to bring your goals closer to your reality. 

Here we go!

1. You are here for a purpose

Does this make you feel super responsible? Powerful? Uncomfortable? It should. 

When you discover your true purpose, you will unlock everything that you want. 

So the goal is to figure out what our purpose is and dedicate our lives to it! 

If you don’t know what your purpose is yet, follow what you love. Trust that you are on the journey of finding out what it is. 

What are you good at? What comes naturally to you but not to others? Is there something that you love that can also help other people? 

Be open, aware, and keep your eyes open to it. It will come to you.

2. Feel what you want to feel there

What does this mean? 

Many of us feel that when we reach this goal or that milestone that we will finally feel happy, fulfilled, and content. But what you will find it that what you feel here you will feel when you get to that success also. 

If you want to feel happy, fulfilled, and content (eventually) you have to insist on feeling that way now. This could be in the form of a repetitive phrase you tell yourself throughout the day. It could be in the form of a mantra when you meditate. 

As you may have experienced, our beliefs become our reality. The thoughts that we repeat, that we tell ourselves the most become how feel. Switch out those negative those, stop dwelling on those negative feelings and try to replace them with positive ones. 

Maybe your life isn’t perfect, but there are spots of light in our days that we can hold on to. That we can feel grateful for. 

3. Positive attracts positive

Jumping on the back of the last mentality shift, the more you feel positive thoughts the more positivity will come to you.

This may seem silly, even seem like magic. But the truth is that when we feel positive and repeat positive thoughts our actions begin to reflect that. We do better work, we believe in ourselves enough to try something new, people want to be around us. And when each of those things happens, more positivity comes into our lives. 


These are not the sum total of all the mental shifts we want to introduce to you, but these are a few of our favorites that will give you a huge bang for your buck. Believe you are here for a purpose. Feel what you want to feel. Use positivity to attract more positivity. 

May this 2020 be your most transformational year yet. May you heal, grow, and thrive this year. We are happy to be along with you on your journey.

Struggling to have a positive mindset?  Learn how we can help.

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