New Year’s Resolutions can get a bad rap. With a new year around the corner we are often filled with idealistic hopes for our next year. We will finally do all the things we’ve been putting off. The trouble with these resolutions is the often can be overwhelming and planless. We have found the top 5 tips to help you to finally make those resolutions, or goals, finally stick.

1. Do a Brain Dump

Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. Take 5 minutes and write down all of your dreams and goals for 2020. Try not to autocorrect yourself here. No resolution is too big or too small. Just get them all out on the page here.


2. Trim the List

Read over your list. What is really going to make the biggest difference in your life for 2020? Is it finding a new job? Finishing that online course you’ve been putting off? Saving for that dream trip?

This doesn’t mean that you can’t tackle everything on the list throughout the year. What you are doing is prioritizing. Pick the top 3 activities that are going to get you the most bang for your buck first. Then once you finish those 3 tasks, you can move on down your list.

Here is an example. You may want to save money so you say you are going to stop buying lattes in 2020. However, the random lattes won’t really move that needle for you if you’re spending stays the same everywhere else. What will move that spending needle? Starting a side hustle. Cooking at home. Setting up an automatic withdrawal that goes right to your savings.


3. Make a Plan

How will you accomplish these amazing goals? If you can, break down your goal into small, manageable pieces. You don’t need to go all-in with that gym membership right now. Maybe just starting a habit of walking outside 5 mins after work is a great start. Then as you develop that habit you can become more and more serious. Baby steps are the key.

You have a solid plan now of how to accomplish your very best goals to move the needle in your life this year. The rest is up to you and your willpower. How badly do you want these changes? How great will you feel when you accomplish these goals?

Short answer: awesome. 

You got this.

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