Parenting with Anxiety- An Introduction

Parenting with Anxiety- An Introduction

Does anxiety keep you from being the parent you want to be? Do you know your triggers but aren’t sure when an anxiety attack is going to happen? Do you think of the worst possible scenarios when your kid gets a little cold? This anxiety may last a matter of minutes or...
7 Tips to Decrease Your Anxiety

7 Tips to Decrease Your Anxiety

If the thought of going to a holiday party full of strangers or shopping in the holiday chaos of the mall gives you anxiety, you are not alone. Millions of Americans deal with some sort of anxiety disorder every day. You may think this form of anxiety is only a type...
Breaking Down the 7 Most Common Phobias

Breaking Down the 7 Most Common Phobias

Are you afraid of the dark? Maybe you’re afraid of heights? You are not alone. Millions of people suffer from a variety of phobias.  Some phobias are small and do not disrupt daily life. On the other hand, some are hard to go through life with.   What is a...
Anger Management for Kids: 8 Ways to Cool Hot Emotions

Anger Management for Kids: 8 Ways to Cool Hot Emotions

Just like other emotions such as happiness, sadness, or frustration, anger is a natural emotion. It is an emotion that is not good or bad, but rather a symptom that a situation is not right.  However, when that anger is not properly channeled it can be difficult for...

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