
No matter the circumstances leading up to a divorce, even amicable ones, it is an adjustment for everyone. There are good and bad habits to break, a new life to create, and a new freedom at hand. Whether life after divorce looks good on you or not has a lot to do with perspective.

Simple reminders can be the difference between getting out of bed in the morning or staying under the covers. Let’s jump into the five dialy reminders that you can make to leading a great life after divorce.

1. No more eggshells!

What do I mean by this? There are no more eggshells that you have to walk on. You no longer have to tip toe around conversation in your own home, worried that something will set your partner off and lead to another endless fight.

You make the decisions, you call the shots, you do and say what you please.

2. You just did that.

Divorce, that is. You may have wondered during the divorce if you were going to make it. Wondered how you were ever going to survive this. Well, you did.

You just did that. And you are stronger for it! Just think, if you can get through something as sticky as divorce, you can get through anything.

3. No more in-laws.

Maybe you loved your in-laws, or maybe you are like most people and you don’t. One reminder that is always uplifting is that you don’t have to deal with your in-laws or any hold they had over your relationship ever again.

No longer do you have to sit around and listen to Judy go on and on about what you are doing wrong with the kids.

Sorry, Judy. We’ve moved on.

4. You can become who you want to be. 

Sometimes in relationships we can be held back by the idea of who you are in your relationship. Maybe your spouse had developed an idea about you from the years and years you were together. Maybe this idea is not who you are anymore. 

After divorce, the idea of who you are is very fluid. You don’t have to be what others think you are or what they want you to be. You get to design that for yourself.

5. The bed is yours, now. 

No more sharing the bed, wrestling over the sheets, or dealing with that relentless snoring. Your bed is yours and yours alone now. 

Sure, at first it may feel empty. But after a while, isn’t that space really freedom? Freedom to spread out, where what you want in bed, eat what you want in bed, and sleep without interruption. 

*Doves sing*

Life after divorce is an adjustment. It is by no means easy. But you are stronger than you think. You’ve proved it by making it this far. So take these little reminders and create the life you have always wanted by being the person you want.

Need help after divorce?  Learn how we can help.

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