by Tom Ho | May 30, 2019 | Relationships
Before becoming a parent, your time is your own. Sure you may go to a 9-5 or have a set workout schedule, but you created it. You control your time. It is yours. However, once you become a dad, your kids will require much of your time. Those hours spent playing...
by Tom Ho | May 23, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression
A lot is going postpartum. Those first few months are filled with so much joy as you welcome your new little bundle of love into the world. But along with that cute little bundle comes a level of exhaustion that no one else but parents can understand. This exhaustion...
by Tom Ho | May 16, 2019 | Relationships
Domestic abuse. Let us breathe through the air as it just got a lot heavier in here. However, even though the topic is heavy and our breathing may have just gotten a little tighter, there are ways to clear that air so that we may breathe easy again. First, we are...
by Tom Ho | May 9, 2019 | Anxiety
Sensory deprivation has been used for years and years in order to find clarity and reach enlightenment. This has been done by retreating to a remote, quiet oasis or just by meditating alone. However, one popular type of sensory deprivation that is helping many with...
by Tom Ho | May 2, 2019 | Anxiety, Depression, Relationships
As we continue our conversation about generation Z, we dive deeper into who generation z is and how they operate. Just like every generation before and every one after, each generation has its own weaknesses and strengths. However, we proper understanding and...