Generation Z is defined as those who were born between 1995 and 2015. They are 4 to 24 years old and make up roughly 25% of the population. For a generation that cannot remember a time without smartphones, there are many misconceptions out there about generation Z.  Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a friend, it’s time to debunk the myths about our beloved generation Z so that we can better understand them and develop better relationships with them.

Many of the myths that surround generation Z involve their relation to technology. However, as you will soon learn, generation Z is far more enlightened than we think. Let’s dive in.

Myth #1: They spend all their free time glued to their phones


It is true that this generation depends on their phones. They use their phone for social communication, scheduling, news, and entertainment. However, their phones are more of a Swiss army knife. It is a tool.

Studies have actually found that this generation is far more likely to take part in activities outside of their house, including bowling and them parks. Not to say that they don’t enjoy the random gaming session here and there, but they desire real-life activities over virtual ones compared to millennials.

Myth #2: They prefer digital communication


They general image that pops into most of our heads when we think of generation Z is kids glued to their smartphones. On the other hand, it has actually been shown that generation Z prefers face-to-face communication over texting. They enjoy networking and socializing with their friends beyond their phone.

They enjoy their phones because they are able to connect and stay up-to-date with their friends best through their phones. However, this is merely a means to an end. Ultimately, they want to be out in the world making memories with those closest to them.


Myth #3: They’re too sensitive


Many held the belief that generation z has grown up with participation trophies in an environment where everyone is a winner. They believe this environment has created kids that are too sensitive for criticism, and, therefore, have a tough time growing.

Studies have shown that this is not true. Although they do want their weaknesses broadcasted, they are receptive to criticism in a one-on-one interaction. Balance positive feedback with constructive criticism.

Myth #4: They have an 8-second attention span


With the fixation that this generation has on technology, it is no wonder that a common myth is that they have the attention span of a goldfish. Although generation Z does want their information quickly and efficiently, they are realists. They know what they are looking for and are willing to sift through data, possible “fake news,” to find the truth. This gives them a level of understanding and patience in their fast-paced digital world.


Myth #5: They are entitled


One common myth is that generation z is entitled. This is far from the truth. Shaped by the Great Recession and the war on terror, generation z understands the importance of hard work and stability. The economic troubles many of their families faced in their early years as well as the global conflict they witnessed has made them conscientious, hard-working, pragmatic, and mindful.

Many of the kids in generation Z are entrepreneurial at heart. They want to build their own companies to make a difference. They know that change is not a given and they have to work hard for what they want.


Trouble connecting with your Gen Z child?

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