Counseling Tips to Becoming More Patient

Counseling Tips to Becoming More Patient

With patience comes confidence, decisiveness, and a more thoughtful outlook on life. Patience can inspire wisdom and success. How does this happen? When we are patient, we slow down are able to hear all that is being communicated to us. Patience is one of the most...
12 Ways to Cope with Fear of Rejection

12 Ways to Cope with Fear of Rejection

Rejection hurts. When we are rejected we tend to question our self-worth.  It can leave us questioning our skills, importance, and usefulness.  If rejection leaves you feeling worthless, you may have a fear of rejection and need help improving your self-esteem to...
5 Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem

5 Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem

Your sense of self-worth will impact every area of your life. Your job and your relationships as well as your physical and mental health are reflections of your self-esteem. But what exactly helps shape your view of yourself and your abilities? The truth is that your...
Are You Different From Your Partner?

Are You Different From Your Partner?

The strongest relationships are the ones in which both partners can be themselves. Intending to change the other person or dramatically changing yourself to fit someone else’s ideals dooms couples. When two people have beliefs or habits that differ too much, it...
8 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

8 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

We all desire a healthy, happy, romantic relationship. But what, exactly, does that look like? What exactly are the characteristics of a good relationship? Unfortunately, many of us have no idea. Maybe our personal baggage is to blame. Or maybe we watch far too many...

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