9 Tips for Spending the Holidays Away from Your Family

I’ve been away from my family for the holidays many, many times and it can be tough.  Maybe you’re away from your family because you need to work, money is tight, or maybe you’re spending the holidays with your significant other’s family.

Either way, we’ve outlined some tips to help not just to get through the holidays, but to still enjoy them.

Celebrate the traditions you would at home.

Bring home to wherever you are.  If there is a certain tradition you have when decorating the tree, specific cookies your family usually makes, or movies you might what, integrate them into your holiday schedule to bring a little piece of home to you.

Make new traditions.

Maybe it happens organically or maybe there’s something that you have always wanted to do but it just didn’t fit into the family’s holiday timeline.  

Decorate your place.

If your family usually decorates for the holidays or if holiday decorations make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, don’t leave your new place barren for the holidays.  Decorate it up with lights, a mini tree, mistletoe, candles, and more!

Rent a Place.

If you are out of town on business, instead of staying in your hotel for the holidays try renting an apartment. Sites like VRBO or AirBNB can help you find great spots to feel more comfortable and homey. You can even find some places that are all decked out for the holidays.

Celebrate Like a Local.

If you are in a new town find the local traditions. This can be great in getting you out of the house, in the holiday spirit, and making new traditions of your own. 

Loneliness is a painful emotion, but you are not alone.

Use technology to connect.

Mark a date on the calendar or FaceTime a loved one during the season to stay connected while far away.


Venture out into the city you are in or check out online what the locals do to celebrate the holidays.  Immerse yourself in some local traditions or events.

Treat friends like family.

Round up your friends in the area and host a Friends holiday party!  Break out the board games, play white elephant gift exchanges, or simply host a festive dinner.

Spread the cheer.

Focus on other people during the holidays and spread the cheer!  You can volunteer at a local shelter, donate presents or clothes, hand out gifts, or spend time with seniors.  These are each great ways to engage with others during the season and give comfort to those you need it.


Loneliness is a painful emotion, but you are not alone.

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