

Top 5 Quotes of the Week to Make Your Today Better

Each week we will focus on different quotes to reflect on and use as motivation for the week ahead.  Inspirational and motivational quotes have a unique ability to make us think and even sometimes change our perspective on a situation, a person, or an event that is bothering us.

So why do we love them so much?

We love them because we never know when that one quote is going to speak to us.  Speak to us in a way that can change our whole day, maybe even our whole outlook, and give us a new, fresh, positive perspective on how to live our lives.  And isn’t that powerful??

In the end, everything we do is based from our thoughts.  So if we can change our thoughts, we can change our lives.  Your thoughts determine how you feel about life, and, therefore, how you react and how you move forward in life.

To keep certain quotes around you that uplift you, encourage you, and speak to you can be incredibly powerful.

Here are our favorite quotes this week:

Phone Counseling can help make your today better.

  1. “Wherever you are is where you’re supposed to be, and where you’re supposed to be today is not where you’re meant to stay.” – Russ Whitney

2. “We all have defining moments.  It is in these moments that we find our true characters. We become heroes of cowards; truth tellers or liars; we go forward or we go backward.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki

3. “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Heller Keller.

4. “There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy.” -Anonymous

5. “The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them.” -Antoine De Saint – Exupery

We hope you enjoyed these quotes, look forward to sharing more with you next week!


“Inspiration to a Brighter Tomorrow”

Identify the motivations that speak to you the most and use them to achieve a better tomorrow.

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Phone Counseling can help make your today better.

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