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How To Deal With A Pandemic That Won’t End

How To Deal With A Pandemic That Won’t End

Early March 2020. We all know where we then. At home. We all remember how we felt. Uneasy, nervous, even scared.  And here we are now. Still sending our kids to school with masks on. Will this pandemic ever end??? The truth is that pandemics always end.  If you want...

How To Deal With A Political Breakup

How To Deal With A Political Breakup

Family gatherings can be crazy. There are a lot of people and a lot of opinions. Usually, to keep the peace, while we wait for my Aunt June's roast to be done and keep my mischievous niece Cindy from running away with the blueberry pie, we avoid topics like politics...

Why go to a therapist when you could talk to a friend? Here’s why.

Why go to a therapist when you could talk to a friend? Here’s why.

My last relationship was turbulent, to say the least. Even so, I didn't speak of word of any of the chaos to my close friends or family in fear of them forever hating my significant other (SO). They all thought our relationship was perfect. It was so lonely.   ...

The 5 Things Keeping Me Sane This School Year

The 5 Things Keeping Me Sane This School Year

What if you could wake up in the morning and not stress about your child’s safety at school? What if you lived in a world where, even though Covid might be raging, your sanity is intact and your kids are thriving in school.  Sound too good to be true?  For most of us...

Crying: Why do we do it, sometimes for “no reason”?

Crying: Why do we do it, sometimes for “no reason”?

Crying. Did you know that humans are the only animals to cry tears? Seems bizarre because I could swear I've seen at least one animal get teary-eyed. But it's true. To add to it, some people never cry while others seem to be "overly" emotional and cry quite a lot. Why...

5 Love Languages and the Benefits of Learning Yours

5 Love Languages and the Benefits of Learning Yours

Father's Day is a great reminder of how much we love the dads in our lives and how much they mean to us. It helps us to stop and take a minute to reflect on our relationship and everything they do for us. Therefore, in order to celebrate Father's Day, not just on the...

5 Types of Breathing and Why You Should Try One

5 Types of Breathing and Why You Should Try One

The more self-help articles you read, the more you will notice a common thread, breathing. Whether you are trying to calm yourself down or merely trying to relax, breathing is a technique that experts swear by. Some people even set aside time in their day where they...

4 Stages of Dementia and What You Should Know

4 Stages of Dementia and What You Should Know

Basically, dementia is a syndrome, not a disease. It is often confused with Alzheimer's disease, but rather Alzheimer's is a common type of dementia.  Dementia is an overall term used to describe the loss of memory, the ability to perform daily functions and the...

The Reason Reducing Stress is More Important Than Ever Right Now

The Reason Reducing Stress is More Important Than Ever Right Now

It is more important than ever right now to keep your stress levels down. Why?    Your immunity. Higher stress levels can weaken your immune system. The immense stress we all feel from the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine coupled with isolation and...

Anger & Grief

Learn more about anger management and dealing with grief.

3 Things To Know About Your Angry Teen

3 Things To Know About Your Angry Teen

Anger during the teenage years is not completely unlike anger during the toddler years. There are a vast amount of changes going on in their body and their lives, of which they might not always fully understand or feel control over. Hormones are raging while they are...

5 Things to Know About Angry Toddlers

5 Things to Know About Angry Toddlers

The toddler stage can be tough as it is. Toddlers have big emotions, little control, and have a tough time knowing how to deal with both. Therefore, tantrums are a common toddler reaction to their lack of communication and coping skills. Frustration quickly gives way...

5 Things to Know About Angry Depression

5 Things to Know About Angry Depression

Angry depression is not a certain type of depression but rather a descriptor of a form of depression. Angry depression is when your depression manifests through angry outbursts. Your depression takes your emotions to another level. When you may have otherwise reacted...

Adventure Therapy vs Wilderness Therapy

Adventure Therapy vs Wilderness Therapy

Adventure therapy and wilderness therapy are often confused with one another. We are here to break down the differences to help you figure out which may be right for you, if other therapies have not worked for you.   Similarities 1. They both take place outdoors...

5 Things to Know About Adventure Therapy

5 Things to Know About Adventure Therapy

Adventure therapy is a great, alternative therapy for young adults who have not yet found success in other forms of therapy. It combines challenges with typical camping activities to build grit, confidence, and emotional skills.    1. What is adventure therapy?...

5 Things to Know About Outdoor Therapy

5 Things to Know About Outdoor Therapy

Outdoor therapy is a great alternative for young adults when other therapies have not worked. Outdoor therapy is focused on the daily activities of living out in the wild and in doing these daily activities, strengthen the confidence, resiliency, and copy abilities of...

3 Things to Know to Start Healing Your Mind with Food

3 Things to Know to Start Healing Your Mind with Food

Generations before us always reached out to the garden to heal ailments of the mind and the body. Food was used as medicine. Over time, with the development of prescription and vitamin supplements, we have lost touch with the healing power of food.   When you...

What is Emotional Contagion and How Can You Cope with it?

What is Emotional Contagion and How Can You Cope with it?

In short, emotional contagion is catching the feelings of someone else. Some of us carry big emotions, others receive, and some do both. As we all grabble with this pandemic on our terms, sometimes the negative feelings of others can impact the hard work we are doing...

How to Prevent a Combative Household During COVID-19

How to Prevent a Combative Household During COVID-19

Whether you live in a home with a loving spouse or an annoying roommate, living in quarantine can take any household to the next level. Without space to be on our own and do the things we love outside of the house, the home can become a stressful place. This can lead...


Learn more about marriage and divorce.

11 Tips to Emotionally Prepare for the Holiday Season

11 Tips to Emotionally Prepare for the Holiday Season

HOLIDAYS, SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER 11 Tips to Emotionally Prepare for the Holiday Season The holidays can elicit so many emotions for us.  Happiness, joy, jubilation...but how about anxiety? stress? overwhelm? sadness? With the holidays can come a lot of...

11 Helpful Quotes for a Better Marriage

11 Helpful Quotes for a Better Marriage

Whether you have been married for twenty years or for five minutes, every marriage can use a relationship boost from time to time to remind us of what we have, what we want, and how to nurture it. Because marriage is a long-term commitment, you are bound to go through...

Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy

Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy

We've all seen or experienced the image of a pet eagerly awaiting the return of its owner. The happiness and warmth the pet and the owner both feel when they embrace after a long day.  The feeling is joyous, calming, and centering.  Having a pet has been shown to lift...

Can Denial Be Dangerous?

Can Denial Be Dangerous?

Whether you are in denial over a recent breakup, your friend’s drinking “habit”, or a bad health diagnosis, we all experience in denial at some point.  But is denial dangerous? The short answer? Yes.   What is denial? Denial is the act of refusing to...

5 Things Not to do After Divorce

5 Things Not to do After Divorce

Divorce is tough. You know this, I know this. With that come a lot of feelings, many of which we don't know what to do with. It is easy to indulge in our feelings. However, depending on how we indulge can determine whether we enter our new life successfully or not so...

How to Become “You” Again After Divorce

How to Become “You” Again After Divorce

If you have been married, it's likely that part of how you define yourself is caught up in who you were with your ex. They have a certain idea of you and you have a certain idea of who you were with them. Without them around, what does that make you?  Answer: Whoever...

5 Daily Reminders for a Great Life After Divorce

5 Daily Reminders for a Great Life After Divorce

No matter the circumstances leading up to a divorce, even amicable ones, it is an adjustment for everyone. There are good and bad habits to break, a new life to create, and a new freedom at hand. Whether life after divorce looks good on you or not has a lot to do with...

Making the Most of Every Other Weekend Parenting

Making the Most of Every Other Weekend Parenting

It's difficult for kids to be shuffled back and forth between households when parents share custody, but it is also hard for you parents. One house may feel more like home than the other and, therefore, your children may be more comfortable at the other house than...

Summertime: 5 Tips for a Working Parent

Summertime: 5 Tips for a Working Parent

Being a working parent is a struggle of its own. You're always balancing work, playing time with the kids, cooking, cleaning, shopping, your relationship with your spouse, and, maybe, some "you time."  However, when summer comes around, that hustle can mix with guilt....

Caregiving & Empty Nesters

Learn more about adult caregiving and empty nesters.

4 Tips for Empty Nesters

4 Tips for Empty Nesters

The kids have grown up, they’ve moved on with careers, relationships, and even family and now the house has become eerily quiet. It's easy to feel a sense of loss, nostalgia, and maybe sadness that all those years of a busy household are a thing of the...

6 Benefits for Empty Nesters

6 Benefits for Empty Nesters

One day, all parents become empty nesters. Whether it’s when the kids leave for college, work, marriage, or other pursuits. The empty nest is a strange time of adjustment. We go from having a house full of kids who are coming and going, eating, sleeping,...

4 Ways to Cope as an Empty Nester

4 Ways to Cope as an Empty Nester

The moment you first hold your new baby, you can't imagine life without them. However, suddenly, in the mere blink of an eye, your sweet bundle of joy has grown up and is ready to take a new step in their life, college. When your child first leaves the...

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