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5 Tips to Talking to Your Kids About Going Back to School

5 Tips to Talking to Your Kids About Going Back to School

These pasts months have been challenging to say the least, and the upcoming school year will be filled with many new challenges. The first challenge of them, preparing your child to go back.   What do you say?   How do you keep them safe if they are going to...

5 Things to Know About Grief Counseling

5 Things to Know About Grief Counseling

Grief is an inevitable part of life, whether it be a loss of a job, loss of normalcy, or the loss of a close person in your life. The situation is challenging, to say the least. There is no real way to prepare for grieving or to know exactly how it will affect you. ...

5 Ways to Copy with Coronavirus Grief

5 Ways to Copy with Coronavirus Grief

Coronavirus has affected every aspect of our lives, from our jobs to the food we put on the table. You’ve lost the normalities of your daily life and, therefore, the outlets that bring you joy and structure. The virus has changed the way you interact with people, feed...

3 Things To Know About Your Angry Teen

3 Things To Know About Your Angry Teen

Anger during the teenage years is not completely unlike anger during the toddler years. There are a vast amount of changes going on in their body and their lives, of which they might not always fully understand or feel control over. Hormones are raging while they are...

How to Stay Sane During Quarantine (Or Anytime the World Seems Crazy)

How to Stay Sane During Quarantine (Or Anytime the World Seems Crazy)

As humans we crave social interaction, stability, consistency, safety. During times of crisis such as these, whether it be internal or external (sometimes both) it is important to turn to habits and activities that make us feel whole, cared for, nurtured, and good. So...

6 More Reasons Why Everyone Can Benefit from Therapy

6 More Reasons Why Everyone Can Benefit from Therapy

Therapy has a stigma that it is only for those who have a mental illness.  However, therapy is really for everyone. It is great for those who have a mental illness and for those who do not.  That's the great thing about therapy, it is the universal helper....

What to Know for Your First Therapy Session

What to Know for Your First Therapy Session

Making the step to get therapy is a big one. You've noticed you need help with your addiction, grief, depression, or maybe you just want to unlock your full potential as a person. You've researched therapists and picked one that makes you feel comfortable. You've made...

How to Start a Meditation Practice with Your Kids

How to Start a Meditation Practice with Your Kids

Yay! You are interested in starting meditation with your child! This is so huge. Meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety, reduce depression, increase well-being, increase focus, increase emotional regulation, and lead to better decision-making in children. ...

The Benefits of Meditation for Children

The Benefits of Meditation for Children

By now, we have all heard of meditation for adults and the benefits for our busy lives. But what about meditation for children? Is that even possible?  The answer is yes. Just like adults, children are faced with challenges every day. Ones that will test them...

Meditation Testimonials: How Meditation Changes Lives

Meditation Testimonials: How Meditation Changes Lives

Meditation is an amazing tool to reduces stress, increase the health of the mind, and so much more. If you aren't already convinced of the benefits of meditation, we thought we would share some stories from people who have implemented it and how it has changed their...

The Benefits of Meditation in Reducing Stress

The Benefits of Meditation in Reducing Stress

You've probably heard of meditation by now, but perhaps you've never tried it. You may think of sitting with your eyes closed not thinking of anything to be pointless. You may just think you can't sit still and quiet for that long. In both cases, I think you'll find...

3 Major Mentality Shifts to Bring More Positivity into Your Life

3 Major Mentality Shifts to Bring More Positivity into Your Life

We've all heard the phrase, "life is what you make it". But what does that really mean?  Maybe you've been working your butt off for years but still haven't reached your full personal, financial, or career goals? Maybe they seem even farther away than when you...

4 Types of Love to Help Us Heal

4 Types of Love to Help Us Heal

There is no question that love is powerful. It can make us do crazy, amazing, sometimes questionable things. One thing that love can be powerful for is healing. There are many types of love that can help us heal.  What are those types of love? 1. Love through...

Anger & Grief

Learn more about anger management and dealing with grief.

The Joys of Fatherhood

The Joys of Fatherhood

Before becoming a parent, your time is your own. Sure you may go to a 9-5 or have a set workout schedule, but you created it. You control your time. It is yours.  However, once you become a dad, your kids will require much of your time. Those hours spent playing...

Domestic Abuse: What is it and what can you do?

Domestic Abuse: What is it and what can you do?

Domestic abuse. Let us breathe through the air as it just got a lot heavier in here. However, even though the topic is heavy and our breathing may have just gotten a little tighter, there are ways to clear that air so that we may breathe easy again. First, we are...

What is Really Troubling Gen Z: Loneliness

What is Really Troubling Gen Z: Loneliness

As we continue our conversation about generation Z, we dive deeper into who generation z is and how they operate. Just like every generation before and every one after, each generation has its own weaknesses and strengths. However, we proper understanding and...

5 Myths About Generation Z

5 Myths About Generation Z

Generation Z is defined as those who were born between 1995 and 2015. They are 4 to 24 years old and make up roughly 25% of the population. For a generation that cannot remember a time without smartphones, there are many misconceptions out there about generation Z....

6 Ways to Lose Entitlement

6 Ways to Lose Entitlement

One of the best ways to enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life is by losing our sense of entitlement. We all want something from someone else at some point. We are all trying to fight for one thing or another. Each of us believes that as far as our happiness is on the...

Like the Alphabet, I Comes Before U

Like the Alphabet, I Comes Before U

We have all come across one person or another that struggles with entitlement. They feel that they are entitled to whatever it is they want. They think they deserve it all now. This can mean difficult relationships, a myriad of disappointments, and a lack of...

Top 5 Myths: Therapy

Top 5 Myths: Therapy

Many people have misconceptions about what therapy is and who it is for. They picture scenes from movies where some stranger talks at them in a dark room as they recline on a leather sofa. The reality is that anyone, everyone can benefit from therapy. Therapists also...

Drug Addiction: What You Need To Know

Drug Addiction: What You Need To Know

There are many forms of addiction, not limited to drugs and alcohol. In addition, one can be addicted to a behavior, such as gambling, eating a certain, way, or exercising. Once a person is addiction to a substance or a behavior, it has usually already caused problems...


Learn more about marriage and divorce.

Co-Parenting After Divorce

Co-Parenting After Divorce

As you’re well aware by now, your relationship with your ex does not end just because you’re not living together anymore. In fact, some of the stresses you may have experienced during your marriage, especially conflicts over parenting styles and beliefs,...

Are You Married to a Perfectionist?

Perfectionism is often deeply rooted in anxiety and lack of self-acceptance. The need to feel that your every action is perfect leads to constant feelings of failure. After all, who among us is perfect? In addition, perfectionism can also lead to giving...

Divorce Counseling

Before a married couple starts browsing the internet for an attorney, many couples will make an attempt at marital counseling. Couples commonly make this last-ditch effort to determine if the marriage is salvageable. However, it frequently seems as though...

Self-Care After Divorce

Are you going through a divorce? Are you already divorced? We all know how hard this process can be. Going through a divorce or legal separation is often extremely stressful and can change one's life entirely. Handling the legal and financial matters...

How to Talk to Kids about Divorce

How to Talk to Kids about Divorce

Divorce is typically a sensitive and emotional event. It can be quite difficult to talk about, especially with children. It is common for parents to struggle with how to talk to their children about their divorce. Why? Well, some parents are unsure what or...

How to Cope with a Toxic Parent

How to Cope with a Toxic Parent

Any negative behavior that causes emotional damage or contaminates the way a person sees themself is toxic. A toxic parent treat their children in such a way as to make those children doubt their importance and their worth. They may doubt that they are...

5 Ways to Rekindle Your Marriage as Empty Nesters

5 Ways to Rekindle Your Marriage as Empty Nesters

Here we are. The children have all left home. You and your spouse are finally alone after two decades as parents. Now what? How do you cope? What lies in store for the two of you? These are questions faced by millions of married couples worldwide each and...

4 Ways to Overcome Jealousy in a Relationship

4 Ways to Overcome Jealousy in a Relationship

Are you in a relationship? Are you jealous in your relationship? Is this normal? As humans we experience a wide array of emotions, including jealousy and insecurity.  These are natural. However, a healthy relationship should not be the source of these...

Self-Care for Moms

Self-Care for Moms

Having a baby drains you out physically, emotionally, and mentally. Your entire idea of self-care becomes changed all at once. Although your main focus is your baby at this crucial time, part of being able to care for your child is caring for yourself. It...

Caregiving & Empty Nesters

Learn more about adult caregiving and empty nesters.

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